Portrait Commissions by Wilder Smith
Portrait Commissions by Wilder Smith
Portraits start at $100...
Once I've made the art the sale is final.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I receive my portrait when it's completed?
We'll contact you when it's finished and ask where you'd like it to be shipped.
Shipping is free anywhere in the USA or Canada.
Why don't you have larger frame options?
I don't have a big enough printer yet. I'll buy one as soon as I can and then I'll be able to print larger sizes and I'll make larger frames.
What if I don't like the portrait?
Then put it on your wall and maybe you'll learn to like it over time.
If I've already put the time and care into making it then I can't afford to give a refund.
Do you paint nudes?
Sure. I've done many.
I keep the identities of my subjects, commissioners and photo references 100% private. No one ever sees them but me.
Why don't you raise your prices?
I'll raise my prices once my waitlist is long and healthy.
It's important to me to always keep painting, so I'm starting with a very low price and I'll raise them later.
I have questions, who should I contact?
You can email wilder@reframed.market or come to a dance lesson and meet Wilder personally.
About the Artist
Wilder is the owner and operator of Reframed, an Atlanta dancing community. He teaches dance in the evenings and paints during the day. These are his two passions.
Instagram : @reframed_wilder
Ancient website : www.wildersmith.com